News Why You Should Choose Cremation Over Burial

Why You Should Choose Cremation Over Burial

In modern society, many people want to be cremated after their death. An urn with ashes can be kept in a special place in the house, but the ashes can also be spilled into the sea, river, lake, as we have seen many times in the movies. However, whatever you want to do with the ashes, it must comply with legal regulations.

History of cremation

The cremation of deceased remains as a custom has been present in ancient history, in Asia, especially in India, and it was also used by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Celts, Slavs, and Germans. The main reasons for cremation throughout history have been hygiene and health. In some countries, over 90% of the population still opts for cremation.

Cremation procedure

Due to the protection of the environment and many other reasons, only special, environmentally friendly boxes, made of softwood, without any coatings and metal parts, can enter the cremation furnace. It can also be said that cremation is a more economically acceptable option when the costs of burial, as well as the lease and maintenance of the gravesite, are calculated.

In addition to economic reasons, the advantage of cremation is also environmental aspects. Many proponents of this procedure emphasize that in this way the natural environment is protected, and less space is taken up in cemeteries.

So how is the cremation procedure performed? The body is burned in a hot furnace, and the remains of the bones are transformed into the form of granules, and at the end of the process, the texture of the remains has the shape of coarse sand. Mark B Mortuary cremation lasts from two and a half to three hours at a temperature of 1472 to 1832 Fahrenheit. The cremated remains will weigh about two and a half kilograms.

Organization of cremation

During life, the deceased must declare that he wants to be cremated after death. When such a decision is announced to relatives, and the moment of death has come, it is necessary to organize the funeral in time, and Mark B Mortuary recommends that you always prepare for it a little earlier due to legal procedures.

Cremation companies are generally available to you every day 24/7. When you visit the crematorium/company premises, you can arrange for all the details related to the cremation, such as transporting the deceased from the apartment or hospital to the crematorium, choosing the right box, and the like.

The companies have many years of experience in dealing with this business, and they are at your disposal for any additional questions and any advice, if necessary. Their kindness and professionalism definitely are a good choice when you organize cremation in such difficult moments for every family.